Friday, November 12, 2010


I'm not sure whether to be impressed or disgusted.  I think I'm a little bit of both.

At 5am this morning, Wyatt woke me up.  As Friday's are rest days in marathon training, I had no intention of being up that early.  Wyatt, however, has become accustomed to 5am walks before I head out for my morning runs, so I dragged myself out of bed and took the little booger out.

Once outside, he sprints to the nearest grassy patch.

I knew he had gotten into the bathroom trash a few nights ago, but I had no idea what he had actually consumed. I mean, I had some ideas, but I assumed anything he ingested would at least have been chewed up prior to swallowing.  But there it was - a fully intact tampon. I apologize for anyone reading this who was unprepared for that, but imagine how I felt seeing that at 5am. Fully intact!! How does that even happen?!?!

I wouldn't be making a big deal out of this if Wyatt were a 90 pound lab, but Wyatt weighs a total of 16 pounds. A tampon is longer than his head!!! How did he do that?!  Wyatt is the dog that eats one piece of kibble at a time.  Seriously - he grabs a mouthful from his bowl, sprints to the middle of the living room, and eats one piece at a time.  This process is repeated until the bowl is empty. He is the dog that chews on the tag of his stuffed animals because that is the only piece he can actually fit in his mouth.  But here he is, inhaling an entire tampon and pooping it out. WHOLE.  WHOLE!!

Unfortunately for him, this means his nickname has evolved from "Wiggles" to "T.P."  Until he tops this, he will be known as the Tampon Pooper.  My dog is a freak.

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